
Shared Supportive Housing

Shared Supportive Housing options are available for single adults who have mental health diagnoses.  Additionally, housing options are available for individuals who are experiencing chronic homelessness.  Each individual has their own bedroom and shares common areas such as a kitchen, bathroom and living room. The individual is required to meet Housing and Urban Development (HUD) extremely low-income criteria. The rental amount is based on the individual’s finances and includes all utilities. All housing is located in Somerset County. Individuals who receive Housing Services from Alternatives are also eligible to receive Case Management Services, to assist them with the goals they would like to achieve while in the program.  Please note that Alternatives does not provide supervised supportive housing, and staff is not on site 24/7.  

Individuals eligible for our Housing Program:

For more information about our Housing services, click here. Please send referrals to [email protected]

“I came to Alternatives homeless and [feeling] helpless. They arranged for me to get permanent housing and to get my life back together again.”

How it Works

Each individual signs a lease, for a minimum of one year, with Alternatives’ Property Management Department. 

Each program comes with Case Management services that are tailored to each individual client to serve their particular needs. Our person-centered philosophy is considerate of all cultures, experiences and ideals, and it provides all persons served the support they need to assist them in achieving their goals – in their own way. Services are intentional and meaningful. They are geared toward helping each individual become successful in the community.

Case Management Services include, but are not limited to:

  • Supportive housing
  • Advocacy
  • Life skills education
  • Mental health education
  • Referrals and linkages to external resources

Alternatives offers a 24/7 on-call system, with several tiers of support, including Directors and Associate Vice-Presidents, ready to assist clients and staff.

Other Housing Options

The Alternatives’ Rapid Rehousing program offers a 24-month housing voucher, for a one bedroom apartment located in Somerset County, for individuals experiencing homelessness.  Individuals work with case managers to locate housing and to achieve stability in all areas of life.  Alternatives also offers Permanent Housing programs that involve shared living arrangements for individuals who are chronically homeless as per HUD definition

Alternatives’ Rapid Rehousing Programs and Permanent Housing Programs are funded, in part, by Somerset County Department of Human Services.

Alternatives’ Franklin House Program is a temporary residential program that provides up to 12 months of housing, coupled with Case Management services, for homeless female heads of household and their full-time children. Alternatives’ staff use a person-centered approach to assist all families with developing individualized goals and services.  All Franklin House  referrals are placed through the Somerset County Board of Social Services.

Referrals for Alternatives’ Shared Supportive Housing, Rapid Rehousing and Permanent Housing come through the Somerset County Coordinated Entry System.